Dr. Brian D. MacLean

Make A Difference ...

...On November 15, 2008,
vote for Dr. Brian D. MacLean
Home      Credentials For Councillor
In his brochure, Dr. MacLean has highlighted the following about his credentials:
•     He holds a BA Honours and MA in sociology from The University of Saskatchewan, and a Doctorate in Sociology/Criminology from The University of London, England

•     He holds over 100 publications to his credit as author, co-author, editor, or co-editor, all pertaining to social justice issues.

•     He has numerous academic awards and distinctions for his scholarly work and publication in the areas of Sociology, Social Policy, Criminology and Social Justice

•     He has a wide range of supervisory, instructional, and project management experiences.

•     He has represented Canada as  Commonwealth Scholar and as a Special Observer to the United Nations.

•     He has been a consultant to the Peace Process in Northern Ireland

•     He has a lengthy history of successfully competing for both research and program monies leading to publication.
What I Bring To Council
Given his experience and credentials, Dr. MacLean would lend  considerable expertise to the Council in the following ways:
    He is an effective communicator, both orally and in writing.

    He works well to deadlines.

    He has worked effectively with community members; community groups; political, professional and governmental organizations at all levels and in a number of different socio-cultural settings

    He is  fair-minded and committed to hearing all sides of the issues.

    He is a successful fundraiser.

    He has successfully represented Canada abroad as a Commonwealth Scholar and Special Independent Observer to the United Nations.

    He has extensive experience in Local Government, both abroad, with the Islington Council and in British Columbia vis a vis the Islands Trust on Saturna Island.


for Councillor in the District of Hope